Steam refund request
Steam refund request

steam refund request

Meaning, Support is full of automated bots and when you choose specific categories on Support site, mostly they'll handle your case even if they claim to be human and have names. What you need to do (beside insane luck) to submit a refund request not as a "refund request". To encourage you, stating a fact that there are "very very very very" rare refund requests that got accepted past 2 hrs limit but they are exceptions which won't break the rule. Oh, and if for some reason it matters, the game he purchased was 'Sheltered'. Overall I'm just looking for advice/suggestions/solutions anything that may help. If there is no possible way to get a refund I will definitely be making sure he pays me back, but that won't happen for at least a few weeks and I am really hoping to get my money back before the sale ends in a few days. I talked to my brother and he doesn't seem the least bit apolgetic about it. I won't even mind if it is not a full refund, I just want some of it back. Is it possible in my current situation to receive a refund? I realize the playtime is way over the 2 hour rule, but I have no intention of ever playing the game myself so it feels like a waste of my $16 which, again, I was saving for this event to purchase cheaper games. However, I just got an email back declining the refund.

steam refund request

On the refund page it states that even if a game has over 2 hours played they will still consider the request, much to my relief, so I submitted a request explaining the situation thoroughly. This wouldn't have been a huge issue if it wasn't for the fact that he's played a little over 7 hours on the game already. I didn't think much of this until I returned and found out that he had actually purchased a game through my Steam account with the $10 I had in my Steam Wallet (which I was saving for the Summer Sale event) and the remaining needed funds with a prepaid visa card that was saved to my account (from my past few purchases). While I was out of town I allowed my younger brother, who is 11, to play on my laptop since he doesn't have one.

Steam refund request